Irene Haws
1st Vice District Governor
Topeka Lions Club

Roger Yost
2nd Vice District Governor
Topeka Sunflower Lions Club
Rick Dodson
District Secretary
Lansing Lions Club

Recent District Meeting Minutes
November 4 District Meeting Minutes (.docx)
District Goals 2024-2025
*Coming after first district meeting in August 2024*
District Goals 2023-2024
Service Goal
By the end of the 2023-2024 Lion year, our district will increase the percentage of clubs reporting service (meet or exceed last year’s service reporting numbers).
District-specific Service Target:
Our team will ensure that 82% of clubs in our district report service.
Membership Development Goal
By the end of the 2023-2024 Lion year, our district will achieve a positive membership growth [meet or exceed last year’s membership numbers).
District-specific Membership Development Targets:
■ Our team will charter 2 new clubs with 40 charter members.
■ Our clubs will induct 34 new members into existing clubs.
■ Our district will not surpass 10 dropped members.
Leadership Development Goal
By the end of the first quarter of the 2023-2024 Lion year, our district will hold training for club officers and zone chairpersons. The GLT district coordinator will report each training using the manage training feature in Learn.
District-specific Leadership Development Targets:
■ Our team will ensure 92% of zone chairpersons attend zone chairperson training.
■ Our district will confirm 52% of club officers (president, secretary, and treasurer) attend club officer training.
■ Our GLT district coordinator will report completed zone and club officer training in Learn.
By the end of the 2023-2024 Lion year, our district will support Lions Clubs
International Foundation (LCIF) in its endeavor to achieve its fundraising goal.
District-specific LCIF Targets:
■ Our team will ensure that individual participation in our district increases by 72% and club participation in our district increases by 48%.
■ Our team will ensure that 3 clubs in my district achieve 100% member participation.
■ I will work to achieve a 2 level LCIF Chairperson’s Medal.
■ I will make a personal donation of $100.00 to LCIF, and I will ask 8 members of my district cabinet to make a personal donation to LCIF.